Below follows select works created by me as a computer programmer.
Mac OS X Software
Programming and distributing several software utilities for the Mac OS X computing platform.
Click on the application of interest to download it to your computer.
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Hardcover 2
Free Download | Thank Me Missing any good new iTunes visualizers lately? I know I did... so I went ahead and made the one I always wanted. Hardcover is a polished new iTunes visualizer exclusively for Mac OS X bringing all your music back to life. The visualizer takes the album cover art of the current track you're listening to and inserts it into a high quality better-than-life rotating CD jewel case. It's a simple and aesthetic way of giving your music new life with a serious touch of nostalgia. Hardcover 2.3 supports Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard or newer with iTunes 7.4 to iTunes 12.5 installed. Hardcover is open-source, and is published under a 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License'. This disk image has been downloaded times.
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Free Download | Thank Me Have you ever fallen asleep on the movie, TV series or, even worse, the streaming webcast you were watching on your Mac, only to have the sound and light arouse you from sleep throughout the entire night? Have you ever wondered why every TV since the late eighties have had a timed off-function, while your state-of-the-art Mac still can't pull this simple trick off? Well, wonder no more... Hypnotize for Mac OS X is a collection of timers for your Dock telling the movie to shut up and your Mac to shut down when time is up. Simply add the Hypnotize folder as a stack to the Dock for easy access. Whenever needed, simply fan out the stack, run the timer with the interval of choice, and your computer will shut down once time has run out. Was the movie interesting? Press 'Reset Timer', and the countdown starts all over again. Hypnotize will halt the shutdown if any applications with unsaved documents are running. This way Hypnotize is completely safe, preventing you from losing any unsaved data during the shutdown process. By default, Hypnotize is set to shut down the computer after 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes, but these intervals can easily be changed in Script Editor if needed. Hypnotize 1.5 is a Universal Binary, and is compatible with Mac OS X 10.3 Panther or newer. Mac OS X 10.7 Lion or newer supported with 'Gatekeeper' disabled. Hypnotize is open-source, and is published under a 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License'. This disk image has been downloaded times.
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Free Download | Thank Me Functional for Mac OS X is a collection of utilities bringing the basic Mac OS X functions from the Apple menu to your Dock. It is the spiritual companion of 'Hypnotize'. Add the Functional folder as a stack to the Dock, and Locking, Logging Out, Restarting, Shutting Down or Sleeping your Mac will be just a mouse-click away. As with 'Hypnotize', Functional ensures the safety of your valuable work by halting the process if you have forgotten to save any documents. Functional 1.4 is a Universal Binary, and is compatible with Mac OS X 10.3 Panther or newer. Mac OS X 10.7 Lion or newer supported with 'Gatekeeper' disabled. Functional is open-source, and is published under a 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License'. This disk image has been downloaded times.
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Free Download | Thank Me Obscurity for Mac OS X is a handy little utility for hiding all those private files and precious memories you don't want anyone else to find. The application is as simple as it is elegant. Obscurity seems just like a generic Mac OS X folder. Simply place the 'folder' anywhere you want, and anyone snooping around your stuff deciding to double-click it will unknowingly arrive in an empty mock folder. However, if you right-click the 'folder' and choose 'Show Package Contents' from the contextual menu, a completely different folder will show up ready for you to hide all those intimate movies, pictures and old love letters in. It even hides all your secret documents from Spotlight and those pesky 'All Images', 'All Movies' and 'All Documents' Smart Folders in Finder. You can rename and/or duplicate Obscurity to your heart's content creating as many custom secret folders as you need. Obscurity doesn't modify your files or the operating system in any shape, way or form making it the safest way to keep your stuff away from curious eyes. Obscurity 1.5 is a Universal Binary, and is compatible with Mac OS X 10.3 Panther or newer. Mac OS X 10.7 Lion or newer supported with 'Gatekeeper' disabled. Obscurity is open-source, and is published under a 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License'. This disk image has been downloaded times.
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Vox Legacy
Free Download | Thank Me Vox is a light-weight music player supporting a plethora of audio formats, including lossless music (ALAC, FLAC, OGG, APE), compressed music (AAC, MP3, MP2, MP1, MPC), uncompressed music (AIFF, WAV), tracker music (MOD, IT, XM, S3M, UMX, MTM, MO3), and video game music (SPC, GYM, VGM, VGZ, HES, NSF, GBS, SAP, KSS, AY). Vox is neither my work, nor do I claim to have any relation to its creation whatsoever. However, through my eyes, Alessio Nonni's original Vox 0.2.7 is still the very best music player available on the Mac, and Vox Legacy for Mac OS X breathes new life into Vox with support for Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite and newer. The original unmodified Vox 0.2.7 application is included in the download. Vox Legacy 1.2 is a Universal Binary, and is compatible with Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger or newer. Mac OS X 10.7 Lion or newer supported with 'Gatekeeper' disabled. Vox Legacy itself is open-source, and is published under a 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License'. This disk image has been downloaded times.
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Free Download | Thank Me Emulation of past gaming systems is a wonderful way to reminisce and play all those great games your owned and loved in your childhood on your new computer. At the current moment there is a flurry of great emulators to choose from for the Mac, and most of them readily associate with their respective games making the games double-clickable in Finder. However, there are a select few emulators which do not inherit this capability. ROMlaunch for Mac OS X consists of a series of unobtrusive emulator frontends providing file type associations between these select few emulators and their respective games: - ROMlaunch SCUMM associates bitmap graphic adventure games with ScummVM. - ROMlaunch MAME associates arcade games with MAME OS X. - ROMlaunch JAG associates Atari Jaguar games with Virtual Jaguar. - ROMlaunch J2ME associates Java mobile games with mpowerplayer. - ROMlaunch GRIME associates polygonal graphic adventure games with ResidualVM. - ROMlaunch 32X associates Sega 32X, CD, Genesis, Game Gear and Master System games with Kega Fusion. (- ROMlaunch DOS associates PC games with DOSBox (longtime obsoleted and relevant code donated to Alun Bestor and his awesome Boxer).) ROMlaunch 1.9 is a Universal Binary, and is compatible with Mac OS X 10.3 Panther or newer. Mac OS X 10.7 Lion or newer supported with 'Gatekeeper' disabled. ROMlaunch is open-source, and is published under a 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License'. This disk image has been downloaded times.
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EMUlaunch Front Row Skin
Free Download | Thank Me EMUlaunch Front Row Skin is a sleek customization for Alexis Gallisa's awesome EMUlaunch. It is designed to mirror the appearance of Apple's original Front Row media center as close as possible. The skin contains both 'Classic' and 'Advanced' custom designs for Arcade, Atari Jaguar, Commodore Amiga, DOS, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color, Gamegear, NEC TurboGrafx-16, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Entertainment System, SCUMM, Sega 32X, Sega Genesis, Sega Master System, and Super Nintendo gaming systems. If you miss some of your preferred consoles amongst the designs, the base Photoshop files are also present on the disk image for you to add any additional consoles desirable. EMUlaunch Front Row Skin 0.9 supports both 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratios. This disk image has been downloaded times.
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Yosemite Disks
Free Download | Thank Me Yosemite Disks for Mac OS X is a set of unified replacement icons for all your hard disks - whether internal, external, wireless, or in the cloud. The hard disk icons perfectly match the user interface redesign starting with Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite, and is complemented by subtle engravings visually distinguishing each of their separate dedicated uses. Yosemite Disks 1.3 are icon files, and is compatible with Mac OS X 10.0 Cheetah or newer. Yosemite Disks is open-source, and is published under a 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License'. This disk image has been downloaded times.
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Yosemite Classic
Free Download | Thank Me Yosemite Classic for Mac OS X is a set of unified replacement icons for Mac OS Classic emulators and Mac OS X virtual machines, paying homage to the Classic Environment found in early iterations of Mac OS X. The icon concept is inspired by the Classic Environment itself ending with Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger, and the icon design inspired by the user interface redesign starting with Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite. Each Mac OS version number has been carefully colored according to official promotional materials for each separate version of Mac OS using the Pantone Matching System. Yosemite Classic 1.2 are icon files, and is compatible with Mac OS X 10.0 Cheetah or newer. Yosemite Classic is open-source, and is published under a 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License'. This disk image has been downloaded times.
Developing and publishing multiple computer programs for the Classic Mac OS computing platform.
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Functional Keys
Free Download | Thank Me Still rocking Classic Mac OS every chance you get? Still catching yourself reaching for the function keys on your keyboard to change the sound volume or the music track, only to realize that Classic Mac OS doesn't work that way? Well, now it does! Functional Keys for Classic Mac OS is a brand new collection of utilities finally making the function keys on your keyboard in Classic Mac OS functional. Simply assign each of the utilities to their respective function keys with the included control panel, and changing sound volume, color depth, screen resolution and music track will be at the mercy of your fingertips. Functional Keys even unleashes the power of Exposé on Classic Mac OS, giving you complete system-wide control from your keyboard. Functional Keys 1.9 is a 68K Binary, and is compatible with Mac OS 8.0 or newer. Functional Keys works with almost all known hot key macro engines and menu bar application launchers for Classic Mac OS, if any of those are preferred to the included KeyboardLauncher/OtherMenu. Functional Keys itself is open-source, and is published under a 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License'. This StuffIt archive has been downloaded times.
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Free Download | Thank Me Returning to Mac OS 9 again after almost 15 years was like finally coming home. The system both looked and felt every bit as amazing as I remembered. Well, almost. I could have sworn the Mac OS 9 startup screen having a brightly colored orange number 9. Seems that never really was the case... Introducing Startup for Classic Mac OS. The Mac OS startup according to my memories. Every startup screen from Mac OS 9 down to System 6 has been carefully recreated with pixel-perfect precision, and each Mac OS version number colored with the Pantone Matching System according to official promotional materials for each separate version of Mac OS. More surprisingly, Apple Inc.'s own grayscale and monochrome startup screens do not align pixel-by-pixel with their full-color counterparts, and this has also been corrected in Startup. Startup 1.3 are ResEdit archives, and is compatible with Mac OS 7.5 or newer. ResEdit required for installation. Startup is open-source, and is published under a 'Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License'. This StuffIt archive has been downloaded times.